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  • Writer's pictureGarrett A. Foster

Weekly WRITE Path Offering 12/27/20

1. Interspiritual

Today people around the world celebrate the second day of Kwanzaa. This

seven-day African-American festival includes lighting a different color candle

each day to represent one of seven principles. Today the leftmost red candle is lit in honor of Kujichagulia (koo-jee-chah-goo-LEEah) or Self- Determination.

How does self-determination show up in your life as a writer? How do you

persevere in the light of adversity? What can we learn f rom the

determination and strength of our black brothers and sisters?

2. Experiential

Choose a principle that you would like to guide and inform your writing. Maybe

it's originality, or integrity.

Light a candle in honor of that principle. Keep the candle burning as you

journal about what the principle means to you as a writer.

3. Practical

In On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King says: "The road to hell is

paved with adverbs."

An adverb is defined as "a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an

adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place,

time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then,


Remove all the adverbs from something you have written. See how well

it reads without them. If you absolutely need to modify something

you've written, see if you can use a stronger noun or verb.

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